Kuza Jamii – Transforming Communities is a one-year Economic Inclusion Program implemented by BOMA, CHASP Advisory, Village Enterprise, Echo Network Africa (ENA), Smart Regional Consultants (SRC) and Generation for Change and Development (GENCAD) with support from the UK Government.

The project aims to transition from cash transfers to more sustainable social protection programs by enhancing access to economic opportunities for extremely poor households in eight Kenyan counties – Tana River, Isiolo, Garissa, Wajir, Mandera, Marsabit, Turkana, and Samburu. It seeks to increase household access to skills, productive inputs, assets, finance, and economic opportunities, ensuring long-term social and economic inclusion for vulnerable communities.

CHASP Advisory is spearheading the technical guidance for implementing Result 3 of the Kuza Jamii Program. This component aims to enhance the Kenyan government’s capacity to deliver sustainable and effective social and economic inclusion services. Through various initiatives, including third-party monitoring for the Enhanced Single Registry, development of On-Demand Registration and Shock Response guidelines for the Economic Inclusion Programme, and county coordination of National Economic Inclusion Programme (EIP) activities, CHASP Advisory is ensuring the project’s success and the government’s confidence in its implementation.