The ushering in of the devolved system of governance, enshrinement of health rights in the constitution and reforms in public management financing offer significant opportunities for the development and improvement of the
health sector in Kenya. The national government is now mandated to play an oversight role in health policy formulation while the county governments are charged with health service provision. To improve equitable access to essential health care services, both the county and national governments must be dedicated to meet the international threshold of 15% of their expenditure as stipulated in the Abuja declaration on governments’ health care financing, and as well meet the target of the social pillar of The Kenya Vision 2030 roadmap. Over the last decade, total health spending in the health sector has increased, and subsequently translated into better health outcomes, as reported in the 2008/09 Kenya Demographic Health Survey (KDHS).
The National and County budget analysis exercise was purposed to ascertain the apportionment of different sector budgets by national and selected county governments in Kenya, with a special focus on health budgets. The review sought to find out the allocations per vote head (between recurrent and development expenditures), with the aim that the findings will bolster health advocacy initiatives, both at the counties and at the national level.
The budget analyses focused on four specific objectives;Review the 2013/14 budgetary priorities and allocations of the National and 5 County Governments to the health sector in relation to other sectors, with reference to national, and international commitments and policy frameworks.
1. Review the 2013/14 budgetary priorities and allocations of the National and 5 County Governments to the health sector in relation to other sectors, with reference to national, and international commitments and policy frameworks.
2. Review the 2013/14 specific budgetary priorities and allocations by National and 5 County Government to the health sector with emphasis on monies earmarked for development and recurrent expenditure.
3. Provide analysis on the implication of the 2013/14 budgetary priorities and allocations on the delivery of healthcare services both for the National and 5 County Governments, in view of the deliverables of the Child Survival and Development Strategy, Constitution of Kenya 2010, Vision 2013 and MDGs 4, 5 and 6.
4. Provide guidelines and recommendations on best practices on health financing mechanisms
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