The aim of the consulting engagement was to provide technical support on mass registration of 10,207 beneficiaries for El Nino Floods Shock Response in the 6 ASAL Counties of Isiolo, Garissa, Wajir, Samburu, Tana River and Mandera.

Severe flooding in 2023 inflicted widespread devastation across Kenya, resulting in significant loss of life, displacement of communities, and the destruction of essential infrastructure. The impact was heavily felt in the six counties of Wajir, Samburu, Isiolo, Garissa, Mandera and Tana River. These counties are currently covered by the Hunger Safety Net Program, where vulnerable populations are grappling with the aftermath of this covariate shocks. These counties, already contending with economic vulnerabilities, faced increased challenges in ensuring the welfare and sustenance of their populations.

UNICEF has been providing technical support to the Government of Kenya to implement the Nutrition Improvement through Cash and Health Education (NICHE) Programme. This technical support, provided to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection with funding from the World Bank and FCDO under the KSEIP is designed to improve the nutritional status of children in the first 1,000 days of life. Thus, NICHE was successfully rolled out in five stunting ‘hot spot’ counties of Kitui, Marsabit, West Pokot, Turkana and Kilifi. The technical support provided by UNICEF is aimed at ensuring eventual full government ownership and implementation of the NICHE programme. The programme aimed to reach 23,500 households in the five counties with nutrition-sensitive cash transfers complemented by health and nutrition education as a means to improve well-being in nutrition, child protection and social protection.


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